Friday, February 19, 2010

A New Book, A Reading Tour, John Mayer, and Others

Winter was cut short in The Poor House, and thank god, because the heater was never able to be turned on--the pilot light had issues and was recalled for safety reasons. So until now our hands have been a bit stiff with the cold, and what little we were able to do with them was reserved for more important tasks than blogging, which, as it turns out, was accidentally catching a pillow on fire while reading by candlelight, and finishing a new collection of short works called, "Songs: I Can't Sing."
With the weather warming up, and bones thawing out, there is unrest in The Poor House. A subdued excitement that is causeing its inhabitants to either drink too much, smoke too much, or make rash decisions. In light of this, The Poor House is attempting to send the authors of "Songs...," Benjamin and Brandon Font, on a reading tour. To support The Poor House's "Songs: I Can't Sing. A (Future) Reading Tour," you can make a small donation by clicking the button below.
Donations greater than $10 receive a free signed copy of the book that will ship no later than mid-April.

All money raised will go towards the first edition run of "Songs: I Can't Sing."

Also, certain things have happened recently--some just discovered recently--which The Poor House would like to share with any interested peoples.

+The Death of J.D. Salinger
+Playboy's Interview with John Mayer
+Excerpts from the writing of Joe Gould
+Roberto Bolañ
o's, "William Burns"
+Benjamin Font's, "The Significant Rain of Freider Wunder"

Thanks everyone for everything. Enjoy yourselves,
The Poor House